Steven Casper, who joined KGI in July 2003, is a leading expert on the ‘business of science’ and has studied the success and failure of bioscience hubs around the world. He is widely published in the fields of economic sociology, international business, and public policy, and is the author of a book on the development of the science-based industry in Europe (Creating Silicon Valley in Europe: Public Policy Towards New Technology Industries, Oxford University Press, 2007).
Dr. Casper has been selected as an academic year fellow at the Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies and a summer fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University. Dr. Casper received his PhD in government from Cornell University. He joined KGI from the University of Cambridge, where he was a university lecturer in innovation and entrepreneurship at the Judge Institute of Management Studies. He was previously employed as a senior research fellow at the Social Science Center in Berlin.
Casper S. “Public Research Systems, Career Structures and the Commercialization of Academic Science in Different Capitalisms”. In: Morgan G, Campbell J, Crouch C, et al., editors. Handbook of Comparative Institutional Analysis. Oxford University Press; 2011
Casper S. “Institutional Frameworks and Public Policy Towards Biotechnology: Can Asia Learn from Europe?” Asian Business & Management 2009;8:363-395
Casper S. “Can New Technology Firms Succeed in Coordinated Market Economies? A Response to Herrmann and Lange”. Socio-Economic Review 2009 Apr 1;7(2):209-215
Casper S. Creating Silicon Valley in Europe: Public Policy Towards New Technology Industries. illustrated ed. Oxford University Press; 2007
Casper S. “How Do Technology Clusters Emerge and Become Sustainable? Social Network Formation and Inter-firm Mobility within the San Diego Biotechnology Cluster”. Research Policy 2007;36(4):438-455
Casper S. “Exporting Silicon Valley to Europe: How Useful is Comparative Institutional Theory?” In: Hage J, Meeus M, editors. Innovation, Science, and Institutional Change: A Research Handbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2006
Casper S, Murray F. “Careers and Clusters: analyzing the career network dynamic of biotechnology clusters”. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management2005;22(1-2):51-74
Casper S, Murray F. “Examining the Marketplace for Ideas: How Local are Europe’s Biotechnology Clusters”. In: McKelvey M, Rickne A, Laage-Hellman J, editors. The Economic Dynamics of Biotechnology. Edward Elgar; 2004
Casper S, Whitley R. “Managing competences in entrepreneurial technology firms: a comparative institutional analysis of Germany, Sweden and the UK”. Research Policy 2004;33(1):89-106
Casper S, Matraves C. “Institutional Frameworks and Innovation in the German and UK Pharmaceutical Industry”. Research Policy 2003;32(10):1865-1879
Casper S, Karamanos A. “Commercializing Science in Europe: The Cambridge Biotechnology Cluster”. European Planning Studies 2003;11(7):805-822
Casper S, Kettler H. “National Institutional Frameworks and the Hybridization of Entrepreneurial Business Models within The German and UK Biotechnology Sectors”. Industry and Innovation 2001;8(1):3-50
Casper S, Kettler H. “Turning Good Science into Successful Businesses: The Technology Transfer Systems in the UK and Germany”. International Journal of Commercial Biotechnology 2001;7:197-207
Casper S. “Institutional adaptiveness, Technology Policy, and the Diffusion of New Business Models: The case of German Biotechnology”. Organization Studies2000;21(5):887-914