Primary Colors

Navy, Aqua, and Red are the colors that define our brand.

Use these colors consistently in all communications to maximize brand recognition, brand impact, and to differentiate our programs.

KGI Navy | Main

Pantone: 2965-C
C:100 M:83 Y:52 K:52
R:4 G:35 B:59

KGI Aqua | Accent 1

Pantone: 3135-C
C:100 M:13 Y:28 K:3
R:0 G:125 B:158

KGI Red | Accent 2

Pantone: 1795-C
C:8 M:96 Y:83 K:0
R:214 G:40 B:46

By the Numbers

Navy is the primary color of KGI. Aqua and red serve as accent colors.

To ensure this remains the case, we recommend the following color ratio for any print, digital, and web designs:
Navy 70% | Aqua 20% | Red 10%

In your planning and ordering of apparel items, ensure that 70% or more of the items are on a navy background.

color pallete