**Important! Beginning in December 2023, University Marketing and Communications is updating many of the items to reflect a refreshed brand for KGI. Items on this page are likely to be impacted. If you have any questions, please email marketing@kgi.edu or contact Nick Simonton. Thank you for your understanding.**

Title Page Templates

Customize a document by downloading KGI’s branded title page report templates in Word. Templates are available for download below with KGI’s main logo, Riggs School logo, SOM logo, and SPHS logo.

title page template


Riggs School


Table of Contents Template

Insert a branded table of contents into your report. Download the template below.

Image Gallery Templates

Create branded image galleries using the KGI logo, Riggs School logo, SPHS logo, or SOM logo. Download the templates below.

Bio Template

Create a branded bio template by downloading it below.