Daily Incident Report Log

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy & Campus Crime Statistics Act (the Clery Act)

As part of the Higher Education Act, the Clery Act aims to ensure students, prospective students, parents, and employees have access to accurate information about crimes committed on campus and campus security procedures. The Clery Act requires  higher education institutions to comply with certain campus safety- and security-related requirements as a condition of their participation in the Title IV and HEA programs. Notably, VAWA amended the Clery Act to require institutions to compile statistics for incidents of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking and to include specific policies, procedures, and programs  about these incidents in their annual security reports.

Annual Safety and Fire Safety Report

The Annual Safety Report is prepared by KGI’s Assistant Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer in cooperation with Campus Safety, KGI Student Affairs, Oasis Residential Life, KGI Human Resources, and KGI Facilities. Crime statistics are gathered from Campus Safety, KGI’s Title IX Office, Claremont Police Department, Student Affairs, Human Resources, and Police Departments whose jurisdiction falls within non-campus property controlled by the Institute. Campus crime statistics are reported by location and include On-campus (owned, contiguous, educational, or student-used), Student Residencies (within the on-campus area), Non-Campus Buildings or Property (non-contiguous owned and student-used), and Public Property (streets, sidewalks, lots adjacent to campus). KGI must distribute a notice of the availability of this ASR by October 1 of each year to all members of the KGI community. The most recent Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is available for review.

The Claremont Colleges Annual Fire Safety and Security Reports list is available at https://services.claremont.edu/campus-safety/clery-reporting/.

Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications

The KGI Campus Safety Alert system was created to enhance and promote safety on campus by providing students, faculty, and staff timely access to critical information. The system sends two types of communications to the campus community: Timely Warnings (Crime Alerts) and Emergency Notifications, as required by the Jeanne Clery Campus Security Act (the Clery Act). The Clery Act requires federally-funded universities to share information about campus crime and safety. It requires issuing alerts for certain incidents  on campus or on campus-associated property. Community Alerts are not required by the Clery Act but are sent under certain circumstances.

Timely Warnings are issued when a report of a Clery Act crime(s) on Keck Graduate Institute (KGI) property is received, and the reported incident represents a serious or continuing threat to the KGI community. Even if the associated college does not have all the facts surrounding the incident, a timely warning must be sent as soon as pertinent information is available. In addition to warning community members, these alerts can aid in crime prevention. The decision to issue a Timely Warning is made on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the facts surrounding the Clery Act crime, including, but not limited to, such factors as the nature of the crime, the serious or continuing threat to the campus community, and the possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts.

Emergency  notifications have a broader focus than timely warnings. They are issued for any significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on campus that involves an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees. Examples of types of situations that may warrant an Emergency Notification include an active shooter, bomb threat, natural disaster, etc. The purpose of Emergency Notifications is to provide life-saving information and instructions during an active emergency. The Clery Act does not require Community Advisories and Alert Bulletins.

Community advisories are released with specific events that warrant an advisory reported on or near Keck Graduate Institute property, as deemed necessary by the Department of KGI Campus Safety. These advisories are intended to raise awareness about safety-related incidents among the KGI community.

Everbridge Safety Connection

Everbridge Safety Connection has partnered with Keck Graduate Institute to provide safety-related communication via a KGI campus safety app linked to a cloud-based command dashboard. This app allows our students to share information with safety officials about sexual assault, mental health issues, and violence—preventing incidents before they occur. Download the Everbridge app.

apple store  google store

The Claremont Colleges use Everbridge Alert System to notify students, faculty, and staff when emergencies occur. Notices are sent via email, text messages, and voice messages. Students are registered for Everbridge Alerts automatically through our IT department who downloads and updates the information every day via our student management system. Students are encouraged to keep updated contact information on file with the Registrar’s Office. Staff and Faculty are registered during their onboarding process through our Human Resources Department. 

Clery Act Reportable Crimes:

  • Criminal homicide (murder and non-negligent manslaughter and manslaughter by negligence)
  • Sex offenses (rape, fondling, incest, and statutory rape)
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated assault
  • Arson
  • Burglary
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Domestic violence/dating violence
  • Stalking
  • Hate Crimes, and Arrests or referrals for disciplinary action for drug abuse, liquor or weapons law violations


Reports should be made immediately or as soon as possible by contacting Campus Safety at KGICampusSafety@kgi.edu or via phone at 909.607.8736. Prompt and accurate reporting is essential for KGI to comply with Timely Warning and Emergency Notification regulations.

Anonymous Reporting

  • For all internal reporting between employees and individuals within KGI, please use the link here to report an incident or complaint. The incident reporting form gives an option for the individuals within KGI to remain anonymous if they choose not to identify themselves.
  • To report an incident to KGI Campus Safety as a silent witness (not for emergencies or crimes-in-progress), please use the “Silent Witness” online form.