What first got you interested in your field of choice?
From an early age, I was passionate about the health and life sciences industry. As an undergraduate I sought to merge this passion with my passion for computer science. Minoring in chemistry with an emphasis in biochemistry opened my eyes to the many possibilities that existed in industry. This search for the balance between my passions ultimately lead to my discovery of KGI and the Master of Business and Science degree.
What type of obstacles have you had to overcome on the road to getting your education?
One of the biggest obstacles I faced on my journey through school was transitioning from a community college to a four-year university. I struggled a bit adapting to the faster environment and more strenuous course load. Another obstacle I had to overcome was how to merge my distinctive passions.
How did you know that KGI was the right school for you?
Speaking with KGI Alumni and attending KGI Visit Day confirmed my decision to attend KGI. Although the event was small in size, the level of energy and positivity that I felt at the Visit Day as I sat amongst current students, professors, and faculty was beyond exciting. Getting to engage in these personable conversations with some of the brightest minds was very motivating for me. It gave me a little taste of what great sense of community is present throughout KGI.
Why did you want to become an Admissions Ambassador?
I wanted to become an Admissions Ambassador because I did not want students to miss out on the wonderful opportunities KGI has to offer. I almost missed out on these opportunities as I didn’t hear about KGI until my senior year of college. Had it not been for an alumnus who came to a seminar class at Chapman University, I would have never heard about KGI, so I would like to continue passing on the great word about KGI and the programs they offer.
What is one fun and interesting fact about you?
Outside of my passion for the health, life sciences, and computer science fields, I hold a great love for scuba diving. I have enjoyed traveling to Thailand, Indonesia, and various islands in the Caribbean to dive and explore. I also enjoy taking many photographs under and above water throughout my travels.
You're Invited to Join KGI for our In-Person Visit Day! October 19 | 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. PST. REGISTER TODAY.