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The KGI Industrial Pharmacy Organization is hosting a virtual internship roundtable this Thursday, March 30 from 6-7 p.m. PST! Please join us in hearing from our colleagues Adrienne Uhlyarik and Jason Halfen, along with guest speakers Cole Mackey and Jonathan Gosnell! Jason and Adrienne are currently with ECIR Medical Communications. They will be talking about their experience with ECIR Medical Communications and how they are incorporating their studies with this program! In addition, Cole Mackey and Jonathan Gosnell are both outstanding fellows that will be present to answer any questions regarding the industrial field of Medical Affairs, Sanofi, US Trade/Market, and Fellowship inquiries!
Please use the two QR code links on this flier to sign in and log into the zoom link. We will also be raffling off a FREE KGI-IPhO Long-Sleeve!
RSVP: https://docs.google.com/forms
Zoom Link: https://kgi.zoom.us/j/91474201710
For questions, please contact Dharam Amin at damin21@kgi.edu or Dang Her at dher21@kgi.edu.