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Please join us for PhD Student, Julie Tobar Sosa’s PhD Literature Mastery Presentation.
Treatment tolerability refers to the magnitude of adverse events that affect a patient’s adherence and persistence in continuing a prescribed cancer therapy. Understanding and interpreting data concerning toxicity can further our knowledge of treatment tolerability. This can assist oncology professionals to develop ways to improve therapy selection, individualized dosing, and concurrent treatments to minimize adverse events. One tool to better understand treatment tolerability is the Toxicity Index, a measure that allows for the retention of data regarding toxicity and improves interpretation. Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) are those endpoints reported directly by the patients. By combining data from both the Toxicity Index and PROs, we would be able to further understand treatment tolerability and have further insight into the long-standing question of whether there is a relationship between toxicity and clinical outcomes. Bladder cancer, a disease with varying stages of severity and symptoms, can range from noninvasive tumors that require long-term care to invasive tumors with high mortality. We hope to further investigate the relationship and interpretability of the Toxicity Index and PROs in bladder cancer using data from clinical trials.
Date: Thursday, December 8, 2022
Time: 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Location: 535 Bldg. – 152 Classroom and Via Zoom (See Outlook Invite for Zoom Link)