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Please join us for Ross Steinberg’s PhD Dissertation Literature Mastery Presentation on:
The observation has been made that lean and even overweight metabolically normal individuals do not have significant amounts of ectopic fat deposited in their skeletal muscle. Insulin-resistant individuals typically do, in fact, have ectopic deposits that correlate with their degree of insulin resistance. The Athlete’s Paradox is defined as the fact that the quantity of skeletal muscle lipid in highly aerobically trained insulin-sensitive athletes is similar to insulin-resistant individuals rather than what is more typically observed in lean sedentary individuals. This talk will review the underlying physiology contributing to the Athlete’s Paradox, highlight recent studies that help redefine it and will discuss the next directions research in this field can take.
Date: Tuesday, April 24, 2023
Time: 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Location: 535 Bldg. – 152 classroom and Via Zoom