An official transcript is printed on secure paper. When photocopied, the word “COPY” appears across the face of the document. KGI assumes no responsibility for a transcript which is not sent directly by the Office of the Registrar.

Official transcript fee is $12.50 per transcript. There are two ways to request a transcript: online or transcript request form.

Benefits of e-transcript Ordering:

  • Students and alumni can request official transcripts at their convenience, 24/7 online • Secure credit card processing
  • FERPA Compliant
  • Automatic notifications are sent when the transcripts are processed and received thus reducing the anxiety of “did the transcript actually arrive?”
  • Students can request a transcript two weeks prior to the end of term and select the option to send after final grades have been posted, avoiding last minute requests
  • Both traditional paper and certified .PDF (a blue ribbon on the notification bar across the top of Adobe reader ensures the recipient the digital signature is authentic and the contents of the eTranscript hasn’t been altered) transcripts are available. Click here to download and print the transcript request form. Deliver the completed and signed form to us via one of these methods:

    Mail: Office of the Registrar
    Keck Graduate Institute
    Attn: KGI Transcripts
    535 Watson Drive
    Claremont, CA 91711

    In Person: 214 York Bldg., Room 100

    Fax: 909.607.0150

    Email: (attach an electronic copy of your signed form)

    Official transcript fee is $12.50 per transcript. Payments for fees can be made online, or check. The online payment form is only valid for paper transcripts, not an electronic file.

    The Office of the Registrar will take checks payable to KGI at the time of request. All fees must be paid prior to processing of transcript request(s).

  • Only transcripts printed on KGI transcript paper are considered to be official
  • All transcripts which are pdf transcripts are considered to be unofficial