Parking at Keck Graduate Institute is regulated and a valid parking permit is required to park on campus property.All vehicles must be registered with KGI Campus Safety and display a permit issued by KGI Campus Safety. Vehicles parked improperly or without a permit are subject to citation.KGI charges students a parking registration fee of $50 per semester (spring and fall only). This fee covers the cost of parking enforcement, which is required by the City of Claremont.
In-person: (by appointment only, contact Shipping and Receiving Office 535-116A535 Watson Dr. Claremont, CA 91711
KGI students may not park in spaces reserved for visitors or otherwise marked as reserved. With the exception of Oasis residents with a proper permit, no automobile shall be left at KGI for more than a 24-hour period. Off-campus students may not leave their vehicles at KGI during vacations, breaks, or in the summer; arrangements must be made for vehicles to be stored off-campus. Oasis Residents with a current rental agreement are allowed to leave their vehicles parked in the residential parking lot for holidays and breaks. Further information regarding vehicle registration, visitor parking, and parking regulations and fines can be found on the KGI Campus Safety page.