The KGI School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences students and faculty have adopted the following code of conduct to guide ethical behavior in hospitals, community pharmacies, research and production facilities, and various rotation sites included as clinical practice experiences. We feel that the magnitude of our responsibility as healthcare professionals necessitates the establishment of the highest standards of professional conduct.

This code of conduct represents general standards of behavior and illustrates ideals for which to strive; however, specific infractions reported by students, “preceptors” or faculty to the Chairperson of the Student Conduct Committee may be investigated by this Committee with respect to both the magnitude and chronicity of incidents considered. It should also be understood that these general standards may not afford guidance in every conceivable situation or anticipate every possible infraction.

The Student Conduct Committee will be charged with the responsibility of promptly investigating alleged infractions of this code. All cases will require the submission of a report of findings and appropriate recommendations to the Dean’s Office in a timely manner.

Students should read, discuss and sign the KGI School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Clinical Code of Conduct prior to enrollment in the KGI School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.

This code of conduct was created by the faculty of the KGI School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Modifications of this code will require the approval of the Student Handbook Taskforce and the Executive Council of the School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.

Respect and Concern for the Welfare of Patients

The KGI SPHS student will:

  • Treat patients and their families and/or caregivers with respect and dignity both in their presence and in discussions with others.
  • Recognize when one’s ability to function effectively is compromised and ask for relief or help.
  • Recognize the limits of one’s involvement in the medical care of a patient and seek supervision or advice before acting when necessary.
  • Not use alcohol or other drugs in a manner that could compromise themselves or patient care.
  • Respect the rights of others
  • Work with professional, staff and peer members of the health care team in a cooperative and considerate manner.
  • Act with an egalitarian spirit toward all persons encountered in a professional capacity regardless of race, religion, gender identity, sexual preference, or socioeconomic status.
  • Respect the patient’s modesty and privacy.


The KGI SPHS student will:

  • Be truthful in communication to others.
  • Maintain confidentiality of patient information.
  • Admit errors and not knowingly mislead others to promote one’s self at the expense of the patient.
  • Not falsely represent themselves.
  • Accurately acknowledge the sources for all information reported; failure to do so will be considered plagiarism.

Responsibility and Sense of Duty

The KGI SPHS student will:

  • Participate responsibly in patient care or research to the best of their ability and with the appropriate supervision.
  • Undertake clinical duties and persevere until they are complete.
  • Notify the responsible person if something interferes with their ability to perform clinical or academic tasks effectively.

Professional Demeanor

The KGI SPHS student will:

  • Maintain a neat and clean appearance, and dress in attire that is accepted as professional to the population served.
  • Be thoughtful and professional when interacting with patients and families.
  • Strive to maintain composure during times of fatigue, professional stress, or personal problems.
  • Avoid offensive language, gestures, or inappropriate remarks.
  • To be treated with respect as participants in the delivery of healthcare.

The KGI SPHS student

  • Should be challenged to learn, but should not be belittled, humiliated, or abused in front of patients, peers, or other health professionals.
  • Should not be sexually harassed, either verbally or physically.
  • Should not be discriminated against on the basis of gender, race, religion, or sexual preference.
  • Should be a participant in patient care decisions whenever possible.
  • Should have their education take priority over routine menial tasks.
  • Should report committed infractions against the above standards to their preceptor or program director as soon as possible so that appropriate actions take place to resolve the matter.

    If a student feels that a preceptor, other professional or program leadership has committed infractions against the above standards, he/she has the responsibility of informing that preceptor, professional or program leadership whether by direct contact or by way of an honest evaluation at the end of a rotation, internship or field work of such feelings so that the preceptor, professional or program leadership can improve their performance.

    Note: The above standards of conduct are based on the Code of Conduct for Duke University Medical Students and have been adapted to meet the individual needs of the KGI School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.