There are four different types of clubs and orgs at KGI: Professional, Professional Hybrid, Social, and Limited.
Students: If you need to update your club/organization’s mission statement, contact information, or social media links, please email
To improve patient health by ensuring access to high-quality, cost-effective medications and other therapies.
Contact Info
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Nazia Rashid Dr. Quintin Broussard
Instagram Facebook Twitter
Slack Channel Channel Name: #club-amcp
Our student chapter aims to provide education to students about a pharmacist’s role in the psychiatric and neurologic fields, and to inform students of potential career avenues, residency, fellowship, and research opportunities related to CPNP.
Dr. Nazia Rashid
The mission of the APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) is to be the collective voice of student pharmacists, to provide opportunities for professional growth, to improve patient care, and to envision and advance the future of pharmacy.
Stephanie Kourtakis Dr. Jeany Jun
YouTube Instagram Facebook
Slack Channel Channel Name: #club-apha-asp
Riggs School, SPHS|Social
Beer Club aims to bring the diverse students, faculty, and alumni together for a fun break from all things academic.
Joel West
Slack Channel: #club-beerclub
The mission of KGI-BSU is to provide support, resources, and a safe space for students of African descent to feel valued, informed, and connected. We strive to serve our community of students by hosting engagement activities, identity-based workshops, networking events, professional/career development workshops, skill building activities, black history month programming, other celebrations, and collaborative partnerships with 7C organizations.
Gail Orum
Riggs School|Social
The mission of Breaking Bread is to bring together the students of faith on KGI’s campus and provide a community and atmosphere of encouragement, collaboration, and personal growth through connecting with students that believe in the Jesus of the Bible and welcome them from any church denomination or background.
Club: breaking_bread@kgi.ed
Our mission is to provide opportunities for all members to network and explore various professions within the field of pharmacy; forge relationships with students and faculty within KGI as well as other pharmacy programs; strengthen students professionally and academically; and spread awareness about the Korean culture through health education and pharmacy care.
Dr. Jeany Kim Jun Dr. Derick Han Dr. Travis Schlappi
Facebook Pictures Slack Channel: #club-ckapha
To advance the practice of pharmacy for the promotion of health.
Dr. Minh Dang
Dr. Gail Orum
Slack Channel: #club-CPhA
Riggs School, SPHS|Professional Hybrid
The mission of C.A.R.E. is to provide a space that promotes our 4 values, community, advocacy, resource, and education to healthcare students. C.A.R.E. hopes to inspire mindfulness in future professionals going forth in their careers by helping local underserved communities.
Dr. Jeany Jun
Slack Channel: #club-communityadvocacyresourceeducation
Social: Instagram
Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
The purpose of this organization is to create a space for students to have fun dancing. Dancing will occur with the Just Dance game and be a weekly time for exercise and just to have a good time on campus. This will be a purely social time and allow students the opportunity to build community through movement. All students are excitedly welcome to join, and like planet fitness, dance club is a judgment-free zone.
Barbara Bailus