Year: 2008-09
Company: Veracyte
Liaison(s): Bonnie Anderson
Veracyte, Inc. is an early stage personalized medicine company focused on the transformation of cancer diagnosis and staging through the application of molecular technologies. Veracyte is currently developing their molecular assays for the accurate diagnosis of certain cancers utilizing minimally invasive techniques to obtain cellular samples. Through Veracyte’s solution, medical professionals will be provided better and more definitive diagnostic information, which should decrease healthcare costs. The objective of this TMP is to assess the viability of Veracyte’s solution in the European and Japanese markets. Students inves – tigated the clinical management and the payer models for patient care on a country-specific basis. Clinical and economic models were developed through secondary research of clinical guidelines and studies, and validated by primary research with on-site interviews of key opinion leaders in their specific clinical practices. The models were then used to project the market sizes in the respective countries to aid Veracyte in determining optimum market expansion.