Year: 2019-20
Company: Unity Biotechnology
Liaison(s): Doug Rich
Unity Biotechnology, Inc. (UNITY) is a biotechnology company based out of San Francisco, CA. Founded in 2011, UNITY is developing therapeutics to extend health span by slowing, halting, or reversing diseases of aging.
UBX0101 is currently being evaluated for the treatment of musculoskeletal disease, with an initial focus on osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. This project will encompass performing a market opportunity analysis of the OA market by understanding the addressable market, current treatments, healthcare processes, FDA’s approval process, competitors, and potential differentiation of UBX0101. The overall goal is to have sufficient consideration of various factors that contribute to market demand, adoption rate, and manufacturing supply strategies. The team will ultimately create a program that accounts for all these stakeholders and develop a dynamic demand model to support the commercialization of UBX0101.