Year: 2015-16
Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Liaison(s): Ramesh Sathiyaa Theodore Straub
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. is a global biotechnology company that provides life science products and services to various markets including those in both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors. Through products such as the OpenArray® and the QuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System, Thermo Fisher provides access to high throughput qPCR processes. With this, customers are able to analyze samples through SNP genotyping, gene expression, microRNA analysis, and pharmacogenomics. Although already a market leader, in order to better meet the needs of its customers, Thermo Fisher has developed various current workflow improvements. The biggest needs were determined and then two concepts were developed that uniquely improved workflow. A third concept combined the first two concepts. A survey was created and was sent to potential customers around the world to determine how they valued each concept and how much they would pay for each concept. Many factors (such as the cost of developing and marketing that concept) still need evaluation prior to implementation. However, based on the business decision and concept designs the Team Master’s Project presented, the three concepts were evaluated through the Kano Model and van Westendorp. It was determined that concept one had the most attractive attributes of the three; however, all three concepts had significant levels of indifferent attributes. The pricing and evaluation data was analyzed and used to give recommendations to Thermo Fisher on next steps.