In charting a path forward amid the unprecedented circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, KGI is committed to providing students, faculty, and staff with an environment where innovation and collaboration can continue to thrive. The following policies and procedures will serve as a guide.

These efforts will be tightly coordinated to mitigate potential risks and ensure the safety of our campus community and the other communities we serve.

Adherence with the policies and protocols outlined on this website, as well as those from your supervisor/professor/dean, is required for continued access; violation (e.g., blatant disregard for infection prevention measures) may result in the immediate revocation of building access privileges, disciplinary action, and/or other interventions.

This webpage will be updated regularly as we prepare for a full return to campus when it is possible and in compliance with local and state guidelines.

Adherence to Policies

  • KGI reserves the right to modify these policies at any time in its sole discretion to adapt to changing circumstances and business needs, consistent with its commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy workplace.

    You confirm that you have read, understand, and will comply with the KGI COVID-19 policies and procedures, including, without limitation, the Code of Conduct Policy as amended from time to time.

    Please be aware that a failure to comply with these policies, including any arrangements put in place under it, will be investigated and may lead to disciplinary action.

  • If KGI receives a report of students and/or student organizations who are not complying with these measures or otherwise behaving in a way that poses intentional or unintentional health risks to the larger community, these individuals and organizations will be held accountable:

    • Students may be barred from accessing KGI premises for the rest of the semester.
    • To the extent failure to comply with this guidance constitutes a violation of the KGI’s Student Honor Code, students may be subject to disciplinary sanctions, including probation, suspension, or expulsion, and student organizations may lose their recognition.
    • If the failure to comply with this guidance also implicates County or City rules, students may be, separately, found responsible by government authorities, and subject to monetary fines.

    All members of our community can report violations of the Student Honor Code here.

Posted Building Signage

People-based protocols for campus entry

Symptom Monitoring

  • Campus-wide approaches to safety and the practice of physical/social distancing are important as individuals can be without symptoms and still be COVID-19 positive. Individuals who have been authorized to return to campus must conduct symptom monitoring every day before coming to campus. It is your responsibility to comply. It is our shared duty as a community to act responsibly. You must be free of ANY symptoms related to COVID-19 to be on campus.

    • If faculty or staff have any concerns regarding their status, they should contact Human Resources and notify their supervisor/department chair that they are reviewing their health status prior to the start of any scheduled work period of time on campus; Human Resources will instruct the individual on appropriate next steps (medical appointment, self-isolation, clearance to report, etc.).
      • For staff, time spent in dialogue with Human Resources is not considered working time.
    • If students have any concerns regarding their status, they should contact the Dean of Students ( in the Division of Student Affairs.
  • According to the CDC, symptoms may appear 2–14 days after exposure to the virus. These symptoms or combinations of symptoms include:

    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    • Fever
    • Chills
    • Repeated shaking with chills
    • Muscle pain
    • Sore throat
    • New GI symptoms
    • New loss of taste or smell
  • Individuals with certain conditions may have a higher risk for COVID-19 infection. Those conditions include:

    • Age 65 years and older
    • HIV
    • Asthma (moderate to severe)
    • Chronic lung disease
    • Diabetes
    • Serious heart condition
    • Chronic kidney disease being treated with dialysis
    • Body mass index of 40 or higher
    • Immunocompromised
    • Pregnancy (while pregnant people seem to have the same risk as adults who are not pregnant, pregnancy can create changes that may increase the risk of some infections)

    For more information about accommodations:

    • Faculty and staff who believe that they fall into the high-risk category may seek ADA accommodations related to returning to campus by contacting KGI’s Human Resources department ( and request an accommodation.
    • Students should contact Andrea Mozqueda, Assistant Director and Disability Services Coordinator (
  • Automated temperature screening devices are installed at the entrances to the 517 Watson and 535 Watson buildings. In addition to certifying you do not have a cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fever, or chills, and that you are currently not under isolation or quarantine orders, you must scan your KGI ID and have your temperature taken. A sticker will automatically print, clearing you for the day. It is only necessary to take your temperature once in a given day. If your temperature is above 100.4 degrees, building entry is prohibited.

    For the 1NIH and 215 York buildings, QR codes are posted at the entrances. You are required to submit a form certifying you do not have a cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fever, or chills, that you are currently not under isolation or quarantine orders, and that you do not have a fever above 100.4 degrees.

  • KGI acknowledges that we may need to make special contingency plans for the voluntary return to campus by members of high-risk groups, for example, by allowing members of those groups to continue to work remotely when possible.

    • Faculty and staff who have symptoms related to COVID-19 or determine that they need to be tested based on potential exposure are encouraged to contact their healthcare provider.
    • Students who are experiencing symptoms should call Student Health Service at 909.621.8222.
    • Individuals who need emergency care should contact 911 for ambulance transport to the nearest Emergency Department.
    • Individuals who have symptoms or may have been exposed and are off-campus may contact the campus resources noted above or may also contact their primary care provider for COVID-19 testing locations in their area.
  • Faculty, staff, and students who test positive for COVID-19 must self-isolate at home until they have recovered. To help determine the risk of potential exposure to co-workers and others on campus, Human Resources, Student Health Services, or Public Health officials will conduct a phone interview with the individual who has tested positive. Human Resources or Public Health may contact the supervisor if further contact tracing of the COVID-19 positive individual is needed; however, the actual test result (and any other protected health information) will not be disclosed.

    Individuals who have been exposed to a COVID-19 positive person are entered into Human Resources’ symptom monitoring survey that is completed daily. The objective is to inform individuals of known exposures and closely monitor each individual to ensure that any infection signs are addressed early.

Health and safety guidance: personal safety practices

    • Face masks must be worn by all individuals on campus at all times in public settings (e.g., common workspaces, public spaces, hallways, stairwells, elevators, meeting rooms, classrooms, break-rooms, campus outdoor spaces, restrooms, etc.). Employees who are faculty members, teachers, or lecturers may wear face shields with a cloth drape attached to the bottom of the shield and tucked into the shirt, instead of face masks when lecturing, provided that such employees remain 10 feet from the nearest student or other employee. If physical distancing is possible, individuals working in private offices or laboratory environments that do not otherwise require face masks may remove their face masks while in such space. Appropriate use of face masks is important in minimizing risks to the wearers and those around them. You could spread COVID-19 to others even if you do not feel sick. The face mask is not a substitute for physical distancing. This applies to off-site and leased building space and the main KGI campus, both indoors and outdoors.
    • Each faculty and staff member will be provided with two cloth face masks. These masks can be picked up at the following locations:
      • Employees: Shipping and Receiving Office, Building 535, Room 116, Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
      • Students: please email to arrange pick-up.
    • Disposable masks will be provided if needed. Individuals and departments can contact their departments to acquire disposable masks. A disposable mask must not be used for more than one day. See details regarding face mask use and care below.
    • Individuals working alone in private offices or laboratory environments that do not otherwise require face masks may remove their face masks while in such spaces, however, face masks must be worn by everyone present if another person enters the space.
    • Masks must not be shared.
    • Masks are required while outdoors in public spaces when maintaining a physical distance of six feet from other persons is not feasible.
    • An individual who is having difficulty wearing a face mask should contact Human Resources or Student Affairs. A faculty or staff member who cannot wear a face mask due to medical or other reasons should contact Human Resources for possible accommodation measures.
    • Use and Care of Face Masks
      • Putting on the face mask
        • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer prior to handling the face mask.
        • Ensure the face mask fits over the nose and under the chin.
        • Situate the face mask properly with nose wire snug against the nose (where applicable).
        • Tie straps behind the head and neck or loop around the ears.
        • Throughout the process: Avoid touching the front of the face mask.
      • Taking off the face mask
        • Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth when removing the face mask.
        • When taking off the face mask, loop your finger into the strap and pull the strap away from the ear, or untie the straps.
        • Wash hands immediately after removing.
      • Disposal of face masks
        • Keep face mask stored in a paper bag when not in use.
        • Disposable face masks must not be used for more than one day and should be placed in a trash receptacle.
        • Dispose of a face mask if it is visibly damaged (e.g., stretched ear loops, torn or punctured materials), dirty, or visibly contaminated.
      •  Care, storage, and laundering of cloth face masks
        • Keep face mast stored in a paper bag when not in use.
        • Cloth face masks may not be used longer than one day at a time and must be washed after use.
        • Disinfecting method: Launder cloth face masks with regular laundry detergent before first use and after each shift (disposable masks are not washable).
  • Gloves are not necessary for general use and should not replace good hand hygiene. Washing your hands often with soap and water is considered the best practice for common everyday tasks. Please speak with your supervisor to determine if gloves are necessary.

  • Individuals are not required to wear goggles or face shields as part of general activity on campus. Good hand hygiene and avoiding touching your face are generally sufficient for non-healthcare environments.

  • Custodial crews will continue to clean offices, workspaces, classrooms, and public spaces based on protocols developed with CDC guidance in mind, and you should take additional care to wipe down commonly used surfaces after use. It may not be possible for KGI to provide product for personal use, but before you leave any room in which you have been working or eating, it is recommended that you swab down all work or eating areas with EPA-registered disinfectant. This includes a private workspace or any shared-space location or equipment (e.g., computers, A/V and other electrical equipment, copiers, desks and tables, chair arms, light switches, doorknobs, handles, etc.). To the best of your ability, you should clear desk and table surfaces in personal offices and workstations to aid in thorough cleaning. Using a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol is also effective after contacting commonly used surfaces.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place or used the restroom; after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; and before and after eating. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • For individuals in a private setting and not wearing a face mask, the CDC recommends to always cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing or using the inside of their elbow. Throw used tissues in the trash. Immediately wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, clean hands with a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.

Place-based protocols for returning to campus

Guidance for specific campus scenarios

    • If you work in an open environment, be sure to maintain at least six feet of distance from any others. Consider staggering chairs or desks to achieve six feet of distance. You should wear a face mask at all times while in a shared workspace/room if there is more than one person in the space. You should use your own computer, phone, headset, and equipment, and not use colleagues’ equipment.
    • Departments should assess open work environments and meeting rooms to institute measures to physically separate and increase distance between employees and other co-workers such as:
      • Place visual cues such as floor decals, colored tape, or signs to indicate where people should stand while waiting.
      • Place one-way directional signage for large open workspaces with multiple through-ways to increase distance between employees moving through the space.
      • Shared resources (e.g., community pen holders and pens, magazines in main office areas, etc.) should be removed.
    • If you work in a personal office, no more than one person should be in the office unless the required six feet of distance can be consistently maintained. If more than one person is in a room, face masks should be worn at all times.
    • Face masks must be worn by every person in a reception/receiving area. Face masks must be worn at all times on campus in public settings (e.g., common workspaces, public spaces, hallways, stairwells, elevators, meeting rooms, classrooms, break-rooms, campus outdoor spaces, in restrooms, etc.).
    • Restrooms usage should ensure physical distancing is achieved. This may require the use of signage to indicate when a restroom is occupied.
    • Wear a face mask.
    • Wait outside the restroom in a physically distanced line until physical distancing inside the restroom can be achieved.
    • Avoid touching your face after touching door handles.
    • Wash with soap or sanitize your hands before and after using the restroom.
  • Elevator usage should ensure physical distancing is achieved. Using stairs whenever possible will assist vertical circulation given that elevator capacities may be challenged. If you are using the elevator, wear your face mask and wash your hands or use hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol upon departing the elevator. Custodial crews will be wiping down elevator buttons more frequently during the day.

    • Limit in-person meetings to the extent consistent with business necessity and no more than five people. Continued use of Zoom or conference calls is strongly encouraged in lieu of in-person meetings. If meeting in-person:
      • Maintain at least a six-foot distance between participants
      • Comply with capacity limits for conference rooms and other public spaces;
      • Use alternate spaced seating arrangements across tables or desks to avoid direct face-to-face positioning
      • You must wear a face mask during the meeting
      • You must engage in regular hand washing or use of hand sanitizer 
      • Wipe down tabletops and chair arms before and after your meeting
      • Sanitize markers and clean white board before and after your meeting
      • Wipe down audio equipment and speakerphone control panels before and after your meeting
      • Accommodate reasonable employee requests to participate remotely or from a private workspace in the office to the extent feasible
  • Gatherings are not allowed at this time. Changes to gathering size restrictions will be communicated as we ramp up.

    • If you are eating on campus (break room, office, etc.), maintain six feet of distance between yourself and others. Individuals should not sit facing one another. Eating alone is encouraged. Observe occupancy limits and avoid crowding of break rooms. Remove your face mask only in order to eat, then put it back on. Wipe down the table and chair you used once you are done. Common break room food and beverage items should not be used (e.g., shared coffee pots, shared water pitchers, etc.). Reusable kitchenware (e.g., forks, plates) should not be used and should be replaced with disposable options.
    • List of designated break rooms where eating is allowed:
      • 215 York Patio
      • 535 Lounge and Patio
      • KGI Café
      • Alumni Patio
      • Oasis Courtyard
  • If you must take public transportation, wear a face mask before entering the bus or train and avoid touching surfaces with your hands. Upon disembarking, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol as soon as possible and before removing your face mask.

    Consider using other transportation options (e.g., walking, biking, driving, or riding by car alone or with household members only) if feasible.

  • Faculty, staff, and students with parking permits may park on campus in KGI-designated parking lots. If a campus parking permit is needed, please contact Campus Safety. Once you exit your car, please follow face mask guidelines.

    • KGI Facilities will operate in accordance with the increased cleaning and disinfection protocols recommended by the Centers for Disease Control, using Environmental Protection Agency-approved products that are effective against the COVID-19 virus. Throughout the pandemic, KGI Facilities has monitored and adopted CDC recommendations.
    • The CDC’s “Considerations for Institutes of Higher Education,” May 30 updated guidance specifically recommends routine disinfecting and cleaning of surfaces and objects that are frequently touched using the cleaners typically used, according to the directions on the label. The CDC says that most common EPA-registered household disinfectants should be effective.
    • At a minimum, there will be three-times daily disinfecting of high-touch areas throughout campus. Classrooms will be disinfected daily and after each use. Disinfectant and paper towels will be provided in classrooms and other spaces for use by the occupants.
    • KGI’s professional cleaning staff received cleaning and disinfection protocols training at the onset of the pandemic and will attend future training sessions on the latest protocols. In accordance with CDC and university guidelines, all staff members will wear the required personal protective equipment including face masks while on campus.
    • In addition to normal cleaning routines, custodial staff will also disinfect frequently touched surfaces or high-touch points and objects using EPA approved products. Examples of frequently touched surfaces and objects that will receive the minimal twice-daily disinfection are:
      • Tables in common spaces
      • Doorknobs
      • Light switches
      • Door handles
      • Hand railings
      • Bathroom stalls
      • Sink handles
      • Grab bars
      • Water fountains
    • Cleaning services for public/common spaces such as restrooms, lounges, lobbies, and hallways will be increased. Other duties such as emptying trash and vacuuming/cleaning of floors of private offices once per week will continue.
    • Disinfectant and paper towels will be made available throughout each building so that commonly used surfaces and objects can be wiped down before use. For soft surfaces such as carpeted floors or fabric in seating areas, guidance indicates to continue cleaning with cleaners appropriate for use on these surfaces and disinfecting with appropriate product for the specific surfaces; vacuum carpets as usual.
    • Hand sanitizing stations will be located at key areas within all campus buildings.
    • Sanitizing products such as hand pumps and disinfectant will be available at key locations (ingress/egress, elevator lobbies, etc.) and can be obtained through each individual department.
    • Students and staff should use hand sanitizer when hand washing is not practicable. Sanitizer must be rubbed into hands until completely dry.
    • These practices will continue to evolve as the CDC releases new recommendations.
    • If an individual in a building tests positive for COVID-19, the entire building may not be shut down. The immediate space(s) occupied by the positive person will be deep-cleaned based on CDC protocols and will be re-opened once sanitized. Facilities staff will follow these protocols when disinfecting a space after a known COVID-19 positive case:
      • If possible, wait 24 to 72 hours before cleaning while increasing ventilation in the space (office, suite, labs, floor[s], or building).
      • Facilities personnel entering the space will use the appropriate protective equipment (masks, gloves, etc.).
      • All personal items will be relocated and contained for later disinfection.
      • The entire space will be cleaned using EPA-standard approved cleaning products.
      • High-touch areas will be wiped or sprayed with additional disinfecting products.
      • Re-occupancy may occur 12 hours after the space has been disinfected.

On-campus research activities

  • Additional criteria for individuals working in on-campus research environments can be found at the KGI ORSP webpage.

Outdoor campus spaces

    • As mentioned in the Health and Safety Guidance section, maintaining space between you and others is a best practice and is required on the KGI campus to avoid exposure to the COVID-19 virus and to slow its spread. Since people can spread the virus before they know they are sick, it is important to stay away from others whenever possible, even if you have no symptoms. Physical distancing is especially important for people who are at higher risk. Everyone on campus should follow these physical distancing practices:
      • Stay at least six feet (about two arms’ length) away from other people.
      • Do not gather in groups.
      • Stay out of crowded places and avoid gathering.
      • In the interest of creating a culture where health and safety are promoted and realized, face masks must be worn by all individuals on campus in public settings (e.g., common workspaces, hallways, stairwells, elevators, meeting rooms, classrooms, break-rooms, campus outdoor spaces, in restrooms, etc.). Appropriate use of face masks is important in minimizing risk to the wearer and those around them. A face mask is not a substitute for physical distancing.
      • Additional criteria are being developed for outdoor spaces and will be updated in the near future. Be mindful to follow the directional signage and be prepared to change your daily routine to adhere to the new circulation patterns.

Enter/exit control

  • Entry to buildings will be regulated and monitored. You will be required to swipe your KGI keycard every time you enter a building. By doing this, we will be able to keep track of those who enter the building in the event that we need to contact trace.

    • Your KGI card/badge is required for entry to all buildings, and you may not hold or prop open exterior doors for any other person. After entering a building, sanitize your hands at the nearest sanitizer station and follow signage and all physical distancing guidelines outlined herein.
    • If you do not have your KGI ID, please plan on obtaining your ID prior to your first day at KGI. Visit Campus Connection in the Honnold Library, located at 800 North Dartmouth Avenue. Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday. The cost for a replacement ID is $10.
  • Invited guests are allowed only with explicit permission and are expected to abide by all campus-wide and building-specific protocols including physical distancing, wearing of face masks, and symptom checks prior to entering KGI buildings