Hello Peeps! Happy Monday! Hope things are going great for each and every one of you :). Time flies doesn’t it? I woke up this morning and realized gosh has it really been a month since I moved here for my internship? It felt so amazing but scary at the same time considering how fast things were moving along! My work week went by pretty busy, I had several back-to-back meetings and I also had a lot of tasks and deliverables to meet by the end of the week. It was definitely a glimpse into working life, and I really enjoyed my weekend break!
I spent some quality time with my roommates and we even had a chance to visit the San Francisco Pride event that was hosted here. It was a different experience and it was great to see that many people coming together to celebrate love for each other despite being so different from one another. I even did a lot of touristy things. I got a charcoal drawing of myself done along with my friend in front of the Bridge, and I visited Pier 39, which was a beautiful place. I saw such pretty sea lions and had fun riding the carousel and taking loads of pictures, especially of the Bay Bridge in the distance and the most visited place in San Francisco: Alcatraz Island. It was really beautiful.
Doing such little things keep you happy sometimes, don’t they? That’s all from me this week people! Next week, is when I get to do my first presentation for my team, so fingers crossed I do a good job! :)
#kgiglobal #summerinternshipinthebay!