2024 07 KGI Mayoral Visit 01

Claremont Mayor Corey Calaycay Visits KGI

Last month, the Keck Graduate Institute had the honor of hosting Claremont Councilmember and Mayor Pro Tem Corey Calaycay on campus to receive a tour of the institution from KGI’s new president Dr. Mohamed Abousalem. This marked the first official engagement under President Abousalem’s leadership and set a foundation for a fruitful relationship between the institution, President Abousalem, and the Claremont City Council in the years to follow.

The visit provided a valuable opportunity to showcase KGI’s world-class capabilities and innovative programming in healthcare and biotechnology, as well as to identify opportunities for continued collaboration. President Abousalem guided Mayor Pro Tem Calaycay through a tour of the campus, highlighting the facilities and the people that define KGI. Mayor Pro Tem Calaycay engaged with some of our distinguished faculty members from the Doctor of Pharmacy, Physician Associate/Assistant, and Occupational Therapy programs, and explored our state-of-the-art laboratories, which reflect KGI’s integrated approach to research and learning.

“Welcoming Mayor Pro Tem Calaycay to our campus was a meaningful moment for us at KGI, and I was proud to begin our engagement in my first month here,” said President Abousalem. “It reaffirmed our commitment to fostering strong, collaborative relationships within our community and highlighted the collective culture of growth and improvement that drives our institution.”

Calaycay is a cornerstone of Claremont’s community. His leadership on the City Council underlines his dedication to enhancing local quality of life. His proactive engagement with residents and local institutions plays a key role in shaping Claremont’s future and strengthening its connections with regional and academic partners.

“As KGI continues to expand its national and global footprint, deepening our roots in Claremont and fostering a vibrant life sciences hub within the community continues to be a major priority for us,” added President Abousalem. “We look forward to future partnership with Mayor Pro Tem Calaycay, and the City of Claremont, and are eager to align local and regional needs with the expertise and resources that KGI has to offer.”