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Talk, Listen, and Work to Achieve a Better World

This message was shared with KGI students, faculty, and staff on June 2, 2020.

Dear KGI Community,

After witnessing the horrible events of the last few days, I write to express both my sorrow and rage, and I know you share these emotions. We see the consequences of systemic racism so pervasive that it enables the murder of a black man who is unarmed and handcuffed. On top of how we all cope with a pandemic that disproportionately kills people of color and the poor in our community, we quite naturally feel overwhelmed.

When we see the economy collapse to a level not seen in nearly a century, and how it unfairly affects those already suffering and grieving, we can be understandably enraged and desolate. I feel your frustration, I understand your anger, and I am with you in your deep sadness.

I don’t have easy or painless solutions, and I am certain that the recovery and repair on which we all need to embark is going to be long and complex. But I also know that the most impactful outcomes we can achieve will be those we design and build together as the KGI community: If we begin by reaching out to each other to embrace and have honest and candid discussions, we can learn the feelings of others to inform our thinking. If we begin exchanging ideas and experiences, we will see solutions that can make a difference and can be sustained. If we support each other and encourage the efforts of others in our community, we will have the stamina and endurance for the long, hard work ahead.

KGI is a diverse and inclusive community that can and will come together to talk and listen and work to achieve a better world. KGI is a community that accepts all people as equal, and that has no tolerance for racism or discrimination of any type. And KGI is a community that recognizes that health and justice are inextricably linked: If there is no health, there is no justice.

I know we are all physically distant and are planning how best to be together safely this fall, but that does not mean we are not still a strong and resilient community. I will be put together a date, time, and format so we can gather as a community to exchange our feelings and ideas. I urge you to reach out to each other, but in the meantime, there are resources you can access for support. Those resources are listed below.

I look forward to seeing you and getting together to exchange our emotions, our ideas, and our suggestions.

Stay safe and stay in touch with me and each other.

Shelly Schuster
KGI President

Student Resources

MCAPS Statement of Solidarity

The events of the past week, including the tragic and horrific death of George Floyd, have brought into painful focus the ruptures and systemic injustices in our society. The global pandemic that has disproportionately impacted marginalized communities only adds further anguish. The MCAPS physical office may be closed for the summer, but please know that the staff of MCAPS are holding you all in our thoughts and in our hearts.

We are aware that these events and societal issues may especially affect students holding one or more marginalized identities, impacting the ability to feel physically as well as psychologically safe. We encourage all students to reach out to trusted others for support as needed. We would also like to remind students of the following options for self-care and external support.

Self-care suggestions:

  • Talk about it – discussing your feelings with friends and loved ones can help you feel less alone. Of course, use your judgment about who is likely to be supportive. When you are feeling vulnerable or stressed, it is generally not a good time to engage with those who invalidate your experiences or feelings.
  • Get regular sleep, as well as “down-time” to rest and recuperate.
  • Strive to get some form of physical exercise and eat in a balanced and healthy way. Treat your body with kindness.
  • Practice deep breathing or other forms of relaxation.
  • Pay attention to how news sources and social media may be impacting you. Balance staying informed with taking intentional breaks as needed.

Mental health support:

Crisis support via telephone will continue to be available to all students throughout the summer break, 24 hours/day. To access this service, please call us at 909-621-8202, and press “1” to be connected to an on-call therapist. The on-call therapist will also be able to assist you in finding a local referral in your area if you would like one.

Students at The Claremont Colleges also now have access to Campus Health, which provides 24/7 medical and mental telehealth care for all students, at no cost. To get started, visit Students, please see your campus email or contact your Student Dean for your campus code. Campus Health will be available to 7C students throughout the 2020 summer break.

Additional support resources:

  • Office of Black Student Affairs (OBSA): 909-607-3669
  • Chicano Latino Student Affairs (CLSA): 909-621-8044
  • Chaplains (McAlister): 909-621-8685
  • National Hotlines: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) and 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
  • Didi Hirsch 24-hour Crisis Line: 1-877-727-4747 (for Spanish, dial 1-800-628-9454)
  • LGBTQ – The Trevor Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386
  • Trans Crisis Line: 1-877-565-8860
  • Crisis Text Line: Text HELLO to 741-741
  • Students of Color Crisis Text Line: Text STEVE to 741-741

Faculty & Staff Resources

We are aware that recent events and societal issues may especially affect our community members holding one or more marginalized identities, impacting the ability to feel physically as well as psychologically safe.  It is natural to feel stress, anxiety, grief, and worry. There are resources to help you take care of your emotional health. In addition, you have access to Optum Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which provides 24/7 services to assist with dealing with a variety of issues, including stress and depression, grief, parenting and childcare, money management, and much more. You can access EAP at any time at no cost by calling 800.234.5465 or visit EAP – Live and Work Well. If you are using the online services, please refer to the email message sent from KGI President Sheldon Schuster on June 2, 2020 for the access code information. 

KGI is committed to maintaining an environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors that is free of all forms of discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct. Consistent with this commitment, KGI has implemented our Sexual Discrimination, Harassment, and Misconduct Policy, which can be found here

Eradicating discrimination and fostering a respectful environment requires a continuing commitment from all members of the KGI community.  If you become aware of conduct that they reasonably believe may violate the Institute’s Sexual Discrimination, Harassment, and Misconduct Policy, please report it to your supervisor or to Human Resources (