Even if you do not graduate or find a job, student loans still have to be paid back, with interest. There are several repayment options. For instance, you might pay the same amount each month until the loan is paid off or your payments might be based on your income. Your promissory note will describe the repayment options that apply to your loan. Keep all the information about your student loan(s) in a folder or box, including the promissory note, proof of payments, and any correspondence with the lender or loan servicer (the loan servicer is the agency, on the lender’s behalf, to which you make your loan payments).
William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program Direct Subsidized Loan and Direct Unsubsidized Loan Borrower’s Rights and Responsibilities Statement (Page 6)
William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program Direct PLUS Loan Borrower’s Rights and Responsibilities Statement
Federal Student Aid Website – Learn about the eligibility criteria for the federal student aid programs at www.studentaid.gov. Studentaid.gov is the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED’s) central database for federal student aid. The Federal Student Aid website receives data from schools, guaranty agencies, the Direct Loan program, and other Department of ED programs. The site also provides a centralized, integrated view of Title IV loans and grants so that recipients of Title IV Aid can access and inquire about their Title IV loans and/or grant data. To login to www.studentaid.gov, use your Federal Student Aid ID and password (the same FSA ID used to sign the FAFSA).
Entrance Counseling For Student Loan Borrowers – Entrance Counseling is required before you can receive your first Direct Subsidized Loan, or Direct Unsubsidized Loan as an undergraduate, or your first Direct PLUS Loan as a graduate/professional student.
Exit Counseling For Student Loan Borrowers – Exit counseling is Required when you graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time enrollment. Exit Counseling provides important information you need to prepare to repay your federal student loan(s).
At the end, you’ll need to provide the name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number for your closest living relative, two references who live in the U.S., and current or expected employer (if known).
Private Education Loan Disclosures – Private Loans are credit-based consumer loans for students that can be used for educational-related purposes. Many lenders have both fix and adjustable rate loan options available.
KGI is partnered with FASTChoice to make it easier for you to learn about private loans by providing information in a straightforward format to help you determine which private student loan best meets your needs.
There are private student loans available for both Domestic Students (U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents) and International Students.