KGI offers FREE appointments with friendly, experienced tutors to all registered KGI students. Tutors are available to help you with various academic issues that range from clarifying and reinforcing concepts in course material, reviewing for an exam, developing effective study strategies, to offering constructive feedback on presentation and projects.

Riggs School of Applied Life Sciences

Ijeoma Nnadozie
Ijeoma Nnadozie

Hello, I’m Ijeoma Nnadozie, a 3rd-year PhD candidate and international student at KGI. I pursued a master’s degree in applied Life Sciences, graduating with honors on the Dean’s List. During my master’s program, I completed all core courses and selected electives, and I also served as a TA for courses such as ALS 402- Molecular Basis of Disease, ALS 407a – Pharmacogenomics and Precision Medicine, as well as GENE 340 Genetic Disease Mechanisms, GENE 5250 – Human Genetics and Human Genetics Lab.

Having faced the challenges of adapting to a new educational system as an international student, I am keenly aware of the struggles students may encounter. I am here to offer mentorship and support to both international and domestic students, helping them achieve academic excellence and develop crucial interpersonal skills. Feel free to approach me with any concerns about class content, presentations, assignments, or time management. My door is always open, and I am eager to contribute to the success of my fellow students at KGI.

Courses available for tutoring: SCI 5000, SCI 5100, SCI 5310 and SCI 6000

My designated drop-in hours for in-person assistance are on Mondays from 9:00 – 12:00 p.m. and Wednesdays from 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. in room 110, located at 517. For virtual consultations, I am available on Fridays from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Teams. Appointments can also be scheduled by emailing


David Paine
David Paine

Howdy, y’all! My name is David Paine, and I am a second year MS student attaining my Clinical Research Thesis. The KGI community has been invaluable to me, and I’m looking forward to giving back and helping you reach academic success! Professionally, I am pursuing a career as an orthopedic surgeon and want to support ecological conservation efforts with my time and finances. Outside of school, I enjoy any-and-all sports, watching anime, and spending quality time with family and friends. I love competing in triathlons, distance swims, surf comps, and marathons. I believe that lessons learned here at KGI can become positive, life-long habits, and whether it’s time management, class content, presentations, or general proofreading, I would be thrilled to help you out in whatever capacity. Rooting for your success at KGI and beyond!

Courses available for tutoring:
Fall: PDEV 5400, SCI 5000, SCI 5210, SCI 5230, SCI 5300, SCI 5310, SCI 5700, SCI 5240, SCI 6401
Spring: ENG 5300, MATH 5020, SCI 5100, SCI 5220, SCI 6100, SCI 6300, SCI 6600

Drop-in Hours and Location: Tues/Thurs. 5-7 p.m. in Student Affairs. To schedule an appointment, email


Noa Park
Noa Park

Hello everyone! I graduated from college in 2018 as a pre-medical student studying Hispanic Studies and Biomedical Engineering and came to KGI to complete my MBS in 2020 with a concentration in Bioprocessing. I am now working on my PhD in the MEng/Bioprocessing department. I have taken all of the core courses in MBS + Bioprocessing electives. I have also TAed for a number of MEng laboratory and lecture courses, so feel free to book me for support and guidance on any pertinent courses to my past coursework. You can also book me for resume/cover letter writing and review, general mock interview prep, pre-med advice, exploring career options, really any topic at all.

Courses available for tutoring: All MBS core courses, some Pharmaceutical Development courses, and Bioprocessing electives. To schedule an appointment, email


School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Elizabeth Mejia
Elizabeth Mejia (Liz)

Hello future Pharmacist, my name is Elizabeth Mejia and I’m a P3 at KGI. A little about myself I’m a very adventurous person, love hiking and going to concerts. I love to learn new things yet enjoy spreading my knowledge. I try to approach teaching differently since everyone’s perspective of learning is different. I’m great in PHAR 5310, 5311, & 5325. Most individuals struggle with 5315, which I can also be of help. I’m here to support you in your learning process and try my best to help you comprehend lecture materials. Look forward to helping you in any way I can. 😊

To schedule an appointment, email