The Registrar’s Office can verify your enrollment on your behalf to outside parties for insurance purposes, employment-related, loan deferrals, etc. Or if you are a current student, you can use the portal to print your own verification report.
You can either print it online immediately through your student portal or request a status letter using a paper-based form.
Proof of registration in current courses can be obtained online, either by printing an unofficial transcript, or by printing your current course schedule. Please note that this may not be sufficient for all inquiries.
Current students can complete an online enrollment verification request. Our office will produce a status letter verifying your enrollment / degree.
Keck Graduate Institute has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide enrollment and degree verifications. The National Student Clearinghouse can be contacted at:
By law, (student privacy policy/FERPA) we are able to provide callers with your directory information without your consent. Directory information includes:
For more information, view KGI’s privacy policy.